16 September 2014

News - Kiku. International Mountain Summit

The Mountain Festival IMS shows Willpower

The Kiku. International Mountain Summit has completely set up the program for the event’s sixth edition. Starting from October 16th the motto “willpower” runs like a common thread through the event in Brixen (South Tyrol/Italy), where mountaineers, climbers, doctors, experts, tour operators, together more than 60 speakers, will be on the IMS stage.

During the opening evening the 13-year-old student Louis Corbett from New Zealand is in the spotlight. He is suffering from an incurable eye disease, which is reducing his eye-sight, until he will turn completely blind.

His family has decided to show him as much as possible of the world. This world tour will lead Louis also to Brixen/Bressanone (South Tyrol/Italy) on the IMS stage, where he will meet the exceptional blind climber Andy Holzer, from Osttirol, Austria.

Blind Date” lives up to its name and will be a touching, motivating and unique dialogue for the IMS-visitors on Thursday, October 16th. Tickets available at www.IMS.bz.

Between Spiderman and Cerro Torre

The IMS 2014 offers once again a varied mix of topics and protagonists.

Alain Robert from France, the real Spiderman, will share on Friday, October 17th at 20 o’clock his climbing experiences gained on the highest buildings of the world.

The loss of both legs below the knees hasn’t stopped the New Zealander Mark Inglis from climbing the Mount Everest. He will be on stage on Saturday, October 18h, together with the psychologist Georg Fraberger from Vienna and the Frei.Wild singer Philipp Burger during the discussion ”WillPOWER to will”.
Extreme will also arise in the discussion “The Way into the Unknown“ with various extreme athletes, like the BASE jumper Steph Davis, who will represent as only woman the female athletes on stage. The young exceptional climber and alpinist David Lama will meet during the closing evening the mountain legend Reinhold Messner and Peter Habeler. The mountain-adventure “Cerro Torre” will be analyzed from different points of view and “The Story behind the Story” will be revealed.

IMS Congress - Mountains for all

More than one billion people live with a disability. All these people would love to experience and enjoy nature, feel the mountains, climb them up and leave the valley behind. Yet often insurmountable obstacles stand in their way. Gondola lifts that can’t transport wheelchairs are just an example.

During the congress the focus will be also on how disabled people experience the mountain world, if countries that specialize in mountain tourism like Austria, Italy and Switzerland are prepared for people with reduced mobility and how true consistent quality tourism is defined.

At the IMS Congress ”Mountains for all - Disabilities and Outdoor”, affected participants, experts and researchers will discuss how disabled people experience mountains, how far inclusion should go and if the tourism industry is ready for it.  

The congress takes place on Friday, October 17th from 14 to 17 o’clock. The participation is for free, but as space is limited we require attendees to register via mail at ticket@ims.bz


IMS Walk Day by GORE-TEX

The large hiking festival will take place on Sunday, October 19th on the Plose, the mountain of Brixen/Bressanone. At 60-minute-leisurely-walk-distance from the mountain station of the gondola lift you will reach the hut Rossalm, the destination of the walk. If you prefer a more demanding challenge you can choose longer hiking routes. The guests will enjoy for sure a unique picturesque panorama, with an incredible view towards the Geislerspitzen.

It doesn't matter if you are a typical hiker, paraglider, hang-glider, geocacher, student, hiking guide, mountain rescuer, child or reporter, but also companies with employees, as well as Alpine Clubs from the Alpine Arc- the IMS Walk Day by GORE-TEX® is inviting everyone to participate at the common Summit.

The Rossalm offers delicious specialties and a varied collateral program in cooperation with various associations. What is more, visitors of the Marmot Geocaching Tent Camp will stay for one weekend nearby the Rossalm. The youngsters will enjoy a rich entertainment program, while parents will be thrilled by presentations of two exceptional mountaineers like Peter Habeler and Hervé Barmasse



Sponsors are introdusing themselves

The IMS weekend represents a unique opportunity for the Outdoor sector and the long-standing sponsors of the Kiku. International Mountain Summit to introduce themselves on this platform. Brand-new products will be launched. Surround, the new GORE-TEX® product technology will be shown during the Walk Day with shoe tests and BMW exposes the new Active Tourer to view within the IMS. The complete ticket sales of this huge event will be performed by the bank Raiffeisen.The title sponsor KIKU will be present once more with the premium apple KIKU in the Catering area and offer delicious Cocktails at the Kiku Bar.
The umbrella brand Südtirol, as well as the City of Bressanone/Brixen and the Forum Bressanone are showing through the IMS their best side of the mountain and support the IMS founders in various organization and actuation areas of the International Mountain Festival. Marmot is not only fitting out the IMS Team, but also performing product tests and giving through the Marmot Geocaching Tent Camp an idea of the brand-new products of the outdoor industry .The promotion of culture is a long-standing milestone for the Foundation Südtiroler Sparkasse. With their support in Bressanone/Brixen within the frame of the IMS there will be a session dedicated to mountain culture. We are grateful to all sponsors and institutional partners and supporters for the precious cooperation.

climbing , congress , expedition

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