15 February 2015

Salon Expo E-Newspaper: 100 thousand readers!

Salon Expo


Salon Expo E-Newspaper: 100 thousand readers!


Salon Expo Newspaper and International Moscow Ski Buiuld Expo / Ski&Board Salon team are glad to inform, that during 2014 total number of readers of Salon Expo Newspaper makes up 100 thousand! Now we have 65 thousand subscribers in Russian-speaking region and 35 thousand English-speaking addresses.


We remind you, that Salon Expo e-newspaper – is the perfect PR instrument, dedicated to journalists, ski build and mountain development professionals, representatives of tourist business and outdoor market.

The schedule of newspaper – two times a week. Exhibitors of International Moscow Ski&Board Salon in Gostiny Dvor can publish their news in Salon Expo Newspaper in 2.0 mode (after registration at skiexpo.ru web-site). In order to register, please, send us your e-mail to ski_board@skiexpo.ru


The partnership of Salon Expo Newspaper (one month - 8 issues) – 1500 Euro. For this price you can place the linked banner of your company on header of the newspaper, 200x200 points.



climbing , conference , outdoor project , workshops , ООПТ

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