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19 февраля 2015


Season 2015
Moscow, March 24, 2015. Sports complex "KANT" / Moscow, Nagornaya metro station


The team of Ski Build Expo and "Mountains of Russia" Forum www.skiexpo.ru www.skibuild.ru plans to organize a business meeting / clinic / workshop "Active Summer 2015" in partnership with ACA communication agency www.acapr.ru and Ski Industry Union of the Russian Federation www.alpinunion.ru

Goal of the project: promoting the summer programs in the mountain regions and making new business contacts in the industry community; popularization of active recreation and outside activities as a lifestyle; attraction of the right client audience.
By joining our project, your company will get the opportunity to share with its partners and potential customers about the unique possibilities of summer vacations in the mountains.

Target group of our project:
• Leaders of tourist clubs
• Representatives of travel companies and tourist agencies
• Travellers, mountain climbers, rocks climbers, cyclists, skiers and snowboarders, trekkers and simply… people who love sports!
• Mass Media

Representatives of tourist offices, tourist operatos, and regional hotels - JOIN IN!

Photos: Ruslan Pereteatico

B2B reasons:

• We, the organizing committee, thanks to Moscow Ski&Board Salon and Ski Build Expo, have considerable experience of working with the industry target groups (resorts, travel agent, press)
• OUR CUSTOMER SUPPORT TO THE PARTNERS of our project: our team IN ADVANCE defines and supervises the work of the travel companies that will sell the tourist product
• ADVERTISING AND PR-CAMPAIGN among the target audience
• INVITATION OF SPECIALISTS over our own database
• TECHNICAL SUPPORT: we create specialized presentations

B2C reasons:

• Thanks to our experience of organizing fairs and conferences, such as "Moscow Ski&Board Salon" and "Ski Build Expo" in Gostiny Dvor, that have long since become the industry's main venues for meeting and dialogue between the professionals and clients, skiers, snowboarders on the one side, and the suppliers of the tourist services on the other side, as well as demonstrating the latest achievements in the area of ski resort construction and development - we have a unique database of our own that contains over 80 000 email addresses of the industry professionals.
• Our 4-year experience of conducting the event dedicated to "summer in the mountains" subject helped increase the inflow of Russian Tourists to the regions of Chamonix and Valle d'Aosta

Expected schedule:

• 09.30 - 10.00 registration of the visitors. Coffee break
• 10.00 - 11.00 mini-presentation of the partners of the project
• 11.00 - 14.00 - workshop
• 14.00 - 14.30 - coffee-break
• 14.30 - 15.00 - mini-presentations
• 15.00 - 16.00 - workshop
• 16.00 -17.00 mini-concert

Cost of participation (provided we DO get 10 partners):

- min (1 company) = of 45 000 rubles / a work place and the inclusion into the general PR campaign,
publication of your corporate news at the following information resources; our social network accounts, skiexpo.ru skibuild.ru., and Salon Expo Newsletter which gets you a single-time exposure of 100 000 recipients.
- the more extended package includes advertising campaign in the special section of SKI.RU website.
- Title Partner = 150 000 rub.

We will be grateful to you for providing the lottery prizes for the lottery that will be conducted for the guests and possible organization of the partaking of the treats of your region.

Internet coverage of the project

• The conference was covered 18 internet resources
• Total number of display days = 89
• Mass sending via Salon Expo Newsletter: 80 thousand addresses
• Audience of the social media sites: 4 857 people
• Total number of contacts including the internet sites: 513 000 243 people

My personal experience in the framework of similar projects:


Best regards
Anastasia Parafilo, coordinator
mailto:nastya@skiexpo.ru parafilo@mail.ru

Moscow, Russia
t. (926) 448 02 10
Salon Expo Newsletter:
Salon Expo Newsletter: 80 thousand addresses
SkiBuildExpo - Design, constructiuon, and operation of mountain-skiing complexes
FULL information concerning
Moscow Ski&Board Salon, Ski Build Expo

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